Building a little snowman seemed to be a good idea
Right before Connor put a mouthful of snow in his mouth he asked: "Is this snow fresh?"
Hot Chocolate time!

Building a little snowman seemed to be a good idea
Right before Connor put a mouthful of snow in his mouth he asked: "Is this snow fresh?"
Hot Chocolate time!
Tanner and Connor's FAVORITE things were: their Davy Crockett rifles and a George Russel costume (for those who don't know about Davy, Russel is his trusty side kick). True story: Connor recently decided he couldn't be a teacher when he grew up b/c they have to get a flu shot. He told me the other day he figured out what else he could be when he grew up: An indian hunter. I'm not kidding. He received the Daniel Boone series for Christmas and had seen lots of glorified Indian hunting going on, and thought that might be for him. Soooo glad this conversation took place in the privacy of our car and we could explain that American Indians are people just like us and we don't fight with them anymore. He then said "well maybe I could just hunt animals and the Indians could protect me."
My favorite things are family time and traditions: