Connor likes to play school. A lot. His room is an ongoing classroom with different areas set up. He really likes to set things out on a "desk". I may find random items such as a pencil, books, some mail, all set up at the island where he was eating a snack. He likes to pretend he's the teacher and likes to set things up around him that a teacher might have. One thing that he always has on his desk is a drink. Sometimes this can bother me, especially when he's left his mess and moved on, or he has a drink in his room, which he knows is against the rules. Lately, however I have enjoyed his need to "set things up". A few times he has found me reading somewhere he will get a big smile and he tells me he'll be right back. I know exactly what he's going to do. Go get a book, 2 drinks and a snack for us. When he gets back he puts everything in it's place, settles in with a big sigh and starts to read next to me. Every once and a while he may make a comment like "isn't this nice mom?". Yes, Connor it is.