In this picture you can only see Carter's leg sticking up!

Riding the inflatable boat in on the waves is the most fun Trey and Allie have had in the ocean. They, along with Carter, enjoyed 2 days of good waves with the boat. After watching Carter get pummeled over and over by waves that crashed over his head, they finally put Carter in the boat while Trey and Allie would fight the waves pulling it out and then hop in and let the waves take them in. I think it was just as entertaining for us to watch them. Sometimes they would get an easy ride in, other times they would barely escape being flipped over and ride a powerful wave all the way in. (afterwards you would here a high pitched "whooooooo" that was Trey) The best entertainment was of course when a wave would catch them just right and capsize them. The only two bummers were that the raft had a hole in it at the end of each day and Trey and Carter knocked heads HARD during one toss over. Trey had a huge goose egg on the side of his head. But he said it was worth it.
Allen helped the little kids enjoy the waves closer in to the beach. They said it was better that a ride at an amusement park.