It's coupon selling time in Tennessee. Every fall the schools have a fund raiser selling coupon books. It's a hassle when you have a lot of kids. Well, Connor is my only child this year who even asked about selling coupon books. He kept asking me about it daily and I kept putting him off. He explained that if he sold 5 books he would get to spin a wheel and maybe win $1.00. Oh boy! Well, I finally reminded him to sell one to his grandmother and he turned that money in on Monday. THEN, he came home from school on Tuesday and tells me "mom, I've got to sell another book! They are having a drawing for a 50 dollar bill for anyone who brings in money for a sold coupon book, but it's just tomorrow!" "Ok", I think, "I'll indulge him." So I tell him I haven't bought one yet and to call Grammy and see if she wanted one this year. She did, so he brought in money this morning for 2 sold coupon books. Well guess what?! He won the drawing!! His principal called me at the end of the school day and tells me she has good news and wanted to know the safest way for the 50 dollar bill to make it home. You've never seen a more excited young boy than Connor coming in the door with his prize money! What a lucky guy!