A few months ago Allie was very let down and discouraged when she did not make the high school soccer team. She worked hard all summer but it was not meant to be. We were all worried at how she would handle the disappointment. As a parent you want to take away all of your children's hurt, frustrations, and disappointments. You go through every ounce of pain with them and only pray that you are making a difference in their suffering. You wish you could take it away. But you know that they will grow in times of trial. Allie surprised me with her resilience after not making the soccer team. Her immediate reaction was to get some girls together and form an AYSO soccer team. Which she did. She also pretty quickly announced that she wanted to try out for the FHS basketball team. On the outside I encouraged her and said "that's the spirit, Allie". But on the inside, I didn't want her to tryout for another sport. I didn't want her to go through all the hard work and then not make it...again. I didn't think I could go through it with her again. So she started attending some of the pre-season strength and conditioning a few months ago with the basketball team. Monday and Tuesday night were tryouts. And she found out today that she made it! She made the JV basketball team. Allie is courageous. She was not about to let the fear of failure stand in her way of trying again. While she had our support, this was something she did on her own. She put herself out there again, opening herself up to possible defeat. I am so proud of Allie. I wish I had her courage. She is amazing.