Highlights of the trips: XelHa: An amazing lagoon with snorkling, cliff jumping, zipline, dolphin swim, and more.
This was the kid's first experience with snorkeling. It took Connor a while to get the hang of it. Sydney was loving it until she saw a very large barracuda!
There were giant lizards everywhere!
Connor's favorite thing there were the hammocks and all you can eat buffet.
The highlight for Trey, Allie and Sydney was when they swam with the dolphins!

We had the beach to our selves. The cousins spent their time running between the beach, pool, and grassy area that they played "world cup" on and chilled in the hammocks.
The kids never did get used to the idea of brushing their teeth with bottled water. They loved saying Gracias and Hola to everyone. We enjoyed walking about a mile up the beach to one of the few restaurants in the town. (and were happy we got to see BYU play during one dinner!) So happy to enjoy this family time together...a trip we'll never forget.