Scott started something that I'm sure will be a continued tradition at the beach....night crab catching. He took the kids down to the beach one night with one flashlight, a bucket and a net. When they all came back to the beach house, no one could stop talking about catching crabs. There was this awesomely spooky heat lightening that night, so that, combined with crabs darting toward you in the dark was pretty exciting. We all went the next night and it was just as exciting as the kids described. David held the flashlight, Trey held the net and caught any poor crab that happened to come across our beam and then Scott would pick it up and put it in the bucket. The best part was when the kids would gather around the net watching when all of a sudden the crab would get away and go right toward them, sending everyone, including me, screaming and running. I wish I had some pictures of that adventure.
Afton became everybody's friend!!
My favorite beach moment was when Sydney surprised me by buying me an icee on the beach with her own money. And then she wouldn't let anyone take any bites of it. (:
Last year Trey and Lydia became beach buddies. I'm not sure it happened, but Lydia always hung out with Trey in the water. This year it seemed like Lydia remembered this and they has some more Lydia/Trey beach time.