Friday, April 17, 2009

Mother and Daughter

Allie decided she wanted to try a 5K. Various members of our family have participated in 5Ks before, but it seemed Allie was always injured and so she had never raced in one. She heard about the "run for the schools" downtown and even though she had not been running lately, announced she wanted to do it. After some contemplation, I realized that I needed to step up and make this a mother-daughter bonding thing. She did great for having never run in one before and I got 4th for my age group! (am I really in the 35-39 age group?! Wow.)
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Kacey said...

Wow Lisa! You didn't tell me you did so well. Good for you. What a fun thing for you two to do together.

joelb said...

congratulations lisa.

but would your time have been first in the 40-44 age group? hmmmm.

lisa said...

Kasey, what I didn't say was there were only 30 people in my category. But still...

Joel, you would think so, but in the 40-44 year old category I still would have been 4th. However, the 30-34 year olds seemed to be lacking in talent and I would have been 3rd there. (according to Allie, who looked all this up)

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

I am totally impressed -- no matter what age category! Wow! Congratulations!

Jenica said...

I am also impressed!