Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy 40th to me

Kids really know how to make you feel special for your birthday! There is nothing like walking into a decorated room with your kids jumping out yelling "Happy Birthday", beaming with joy. My favorite was my "throne" where they had me open my presents and the paper chain they made with all the things they love about me written on them :).  My favorite ones:  Mom is stylish and Mom is happy when we're happy and sad when we're sad.

David surprised me with a new camera! Thanks honey! I loved going out to eat with the kids (and then the adults), and the slideshow that David put together. I'm a very happy 40-year-old.


Lori said...

Happy birthday again (I mean, you are forty years and two days now).

Troy said...

Yay! Happy bday! I still owe you a call...

joelb said...

man that's old. happy bday!

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Nice pictures! Enjoyed celebrating with you. Happy b-day over and over and may you have 40 more.

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

PS ~ forgot to say that I really liked the little balloons forming a 40 ~ one of my fave of the decorations.