This semester's classes were especially challenging for Trey and Allie so we thought we'd help motivate them by telling them if they got straight A's we'd take them to The Melting Pot. Trey ended up with 98 averages in both his AP English and AP Biology classes! Wow. Is it possible for someone to get their smart genes from their uncles? Allie is still waiting on the Honors english and Honors Algebra standardized state-wide tests to be graded to find out her final averages but she assures us they are A's! UPDATE: Allie finally got her final grades and she did indeed pull out straight A's!!! Yeah for Allie!
Anyway, we had such a FUN time with our wonderful teenagers. It was their first time going to this fondue restaurant. Allie said she could just go for dessert next time and be happy. We got the cookies and cream this time...YUM. Trey ate all his dinner and most of hers (b/c she doesn't really eat meat).
I still can't believe that I have a 17 and 14 year old. I'm so happy to see them making good choices and enjoying life so much. We are truly blessed.