So I did it. I finished Biology. When I first got the text book all I could do was laugh when I read it because none of it made any sense to me. I did not enjoy a single chapter. It was 2 months of suffering really. I did however get to ask Trey questions a few times, which was fun. He is currently taking AP Biology, which by the way appears to be way harder than BYU's online course. During the first few chapters about cell structure I thought I was going to explode. I just couldn't wrap my brain around much of it. So Trey sat down with me once or twice and was my teacher. He was just as good as any college professor. I found myself saying "oh, ok, now I get it!" After he finished tutoring me one night I thanked him and he said "Sure mom, it's nice that I can finally do something for you for a change." Now that's pretty cool. And, I don't know how in the world this happened but I actually got an A- in the class!!
Now my life is wonderful because I am taking a class called Food Preparation! The text book (Betty Crocker's 10th edition cookbook!) has chapters called "quick breads" and "stews, sauces, and chili" instead of "photosynthesis" and "eurokaryotic cell structure". And I'm actually learning things that I either never knew or have just forgotten. Like what the difference is between baking soda and powder. My big accomplishment so far is that I successfully, for the first time ever, made yeast bread! Seriously, this was my first time. This past year I used yeast for the first time when I made cinnamon rolls with Allie for conference weekend. But I had never made bread. I have always just been intimidated. But now I see that there was no reason to be intimidated at all! It was easy. And my honey-whole wheat bread turned out beautifully delicious. Or at least my family said so. I was like a proud mom showing off my twin loaves when they came out of the oven.

Lisa, (as your mother) I am so proud of you! I could never get an A- in Biology. Really. High fives all around. And I'm so proud of you for "finally" making yeast bread. I'm only sorry I didn't push you into that while you still lived at home. :) Your "twins" look beautiful and very yummy! Congrats! Oh, oh, and what a fun, fun, fun class to be taking! Can I be a "tester" for you. I'll test those home-baked items to make sure they taste OK.
This looks delicious Lisa! Good job on your class too.
no triplet loaves?
Boo biology.
Hooray for food!
I'm glad to see Biology getting some love and a blog post. What an awesome subject. Mr. Ferguson's class was one of my all time faves. (is he still teaching it?)
Troy, Mr. Ferguson is not teaching it anymore, unfortunately. Trey's teacher is very boring so he is not loving it the way you did. He does have a 99% in the class right now though!
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