Friday, May 22, 2009

End of the school year

I can't believe how many things are crammed into the first few weeks of May. I think it's a contest to see how many concerts, author's readings, class plays, field days, end of the year parties, open houses...etc. they can make parents attend in the shortest amount of time. Today was the last day of school. Ahhhhhhhh. Unfortunately I did not carry my camera around to all these events so I hope my kids remember when they are older that I was there. Even when I didn't feel like going to the 3rd class party in two days, mother-guilt kicked in and I went. And it was worth it to see their faces light up and have them run over to me in front of all their friends, hug and kiss me and say "mom, you're here!!"


Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

The triplets' school party looks so fun! So glad you made it. Love the SMILE on Sydney's face. Was that Connor or Tanner? Fun pix!

joelb said...

is that tanner's teacher or girlfriend?