Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of school

Sydney's first day of school: She knows exactly what she wants to wear. She asked me to use the flat iron on her hair. She's a little nervous she won't be able to find her classroom again, even though she was there on Friday to meet her teacher. She wanted to set her alarm for 5:00 a.m. I talked her into 6:10. She wanted to shower in the morning. However, her alarm didn't go off so she had to skip the shower.

Connor's first day of school: Back pack is stuffed full of all the supplies a week in advance. Is still just fine with me laying out some clothes for him to wear. A little nervous. Seems to have the most nurturing, sweet teacher, Mrs. Mashburn....just what he needs. So excited that Tanner is in his team class.

Tanner's first day of school: Wears his arrow head necklace he just bought while we were in Lake Powell. When I go to wake the boys up they are laying in bed, with their covers pulled up to their chins, eyes closed, smiling. When I turn on the light, they pop out of bed giggling and..... fully dressed. "We woke up at 6:23!", they say. Excited to see his friends and be at the Intermediate School.

Allie's first day of school: High School!! Still loves school supplies. She loves to get all her school supplies early, lay everything out on her bedroom floor and get organized. She always NEEDS a new backpack because of one reason or another. Loves the fact that she doesn't have to ride the bus anymore because Trey is driving! Reluctantly induldges me in a photo. Feeling pretty relieved that she had a freshman orientation day on Friday so she knows where all her classes are and likes all of her teachers.
Trey's first day of school: at 7:15 he announces he going running. (What?!) Runs a mile, showers, eats breakfast, picks up his old backpack that he's had since the 7th grade (I kid you not), dumps out the debris from last May, tells me he'll clean it up when he gets home. Then looks at his backpack again and says: "hmm, I might need a new back pack this year." Picks up a pencil and notepad and he's ready to go. Has no idea who might be in his classes. VERY happy to be driving to school. Going to Aubrey's with friends after school.

My first day of school: Pretty calm and now very quiet....ahhhhh.


Lori said...

I love how you broke it all down. Something about everyone's individual story made me laugh. Emma's first day of school outfit was almost identical to Trey's (except her shirt had ruffles on it).

joelb said...

great post lisa - loved hearing about their different approaches.

julie said...

7th grade??!! Amazing! Funny how different every child is.

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Love the report. It sounds like they are all off to a good start. Can Trey and Allie really BOTH be in high school? And the triplets in Intermediate school? When did they all grow up? Cute, cute pictures! I'm still smiling.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that was an awesome post. Thanks for sharing!

[aside to Lori-- when did Emma start jogging in the morning?]

Anonymous said...

btw-- is it pitch black when you all go to school in TN?

lisa said...

Troy, I took the little kids picture at about 6:35. It was a lot lighter than it shows in that pic...I guess my flash stinks. Their bus arrives at 6:51.

Brad said...

Trey reminds me of Harry Potter.